A little reminder about...SOCIAL NETWORKING!

Hey everyone,

Don't spend your life comparing your behind the scenes footage with everyone else's highlight reel - no one posts pictures of themselves losing their job, sitting on the sofa in their pants or missing the bus. It's still happening to everyone, every day, you're just not seeing it.

Above is a slightly edited quote which I found on a Student Beans article (find the whole thing here) and I really think it is an amazing way to describe the situation so many people find themselves in.  People spend a lot of time thinking that their life is worse than somebody else's or that somebody else has a perfect life but what are we actually basing our assumptions on? The reality is that most of the time we gauge someones life on what we have seen or read on the Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other social media site. If we remember what is written above then maybe we will all stop putting ourselves down because Bob that you met once at a birthday party has had a lovely day trip in London and you have stayed at home and watched friends re-runs for the whole day.

Even if you take social media out of the equation this happens in real life, when you meet somebody for the first time chances are that they aren't going to tell you about their grandma with a few days left or their uncle Derek who's serving a life sentence (a little exaggeration don't take this too seriously) but about the new car that they just bought or their amazing holiday in the Caribbean.  Until you really know somebody can you really compare yourself to them?

Maddie x

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But remember to play nice, If I see anyone hating on another person or myself your comment will be removed. How would you feel if it was you?