Film Friday: The Lego Movie

Hi guys,

It’s a friday post this week because as you will have already seen from the title of this post it’s film Friday!!! I went to the cinema on Wednesday and thought I would share my opinion with you.

I went with my dad and my little brother to see the Lego Movie, it’s not exactly usual cup of tea (actually I hate tea so make it milkshake) but it was definitely funny in places and the animation of it was really clever. I didn’t enjoy it as much as my brother did and I don’t think my dad really got it either but it is definitely a really good children's film. 

One of my favourite parts of the film (if you can call it that?) were the morals that were spread throughout the film and going into the brains of the packed cinema without anyone particularly noticing it. They focus on working as a team, everyone being different in their own way and how we shouldn’t follow the crowd all the time to name but a few. There is also a number of religious references included if that’s your bag. I have to say I wasn’t really a huge fan of the mega plot twist right at the end but I can see why it was done and why so many people really liked it. It also makes a lot of the film make more sense. I also loved the song that was sung throughout which was stuck in my head for the next few days.

I hope you have enjoyed this even though it is definitely not the best review you have ever read,

Maddie x

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