The 15 Weird Questions Tag

Hey guys,

Sorry for the extended break but things have been crazy with final deadlines and mock weeks at college but hopefully I'm back for a while now. I have decided to do something a little different today, it's the 15 Weird Questions Tag!

#1. What's a nickname only your family calls you?

My family has called me Mij for as long as I can remember although I think it was one of my creations or the spelling was anyway as I couldn't spell Midge apparently.

#2. What's a weird habit of yours?

I don't know really?'s not that weird but as soon as I get a tiny bit of a chip in my nail polish I will end up picking the whole lot off within about 10 minutes.

#3. Do you have any weird phobias?

Yes! I hate the feel of my nails or someonelses' nails scrapping against a piece of paper (even thinking about it makes me feel a little sick and cringey)

#4. What's a song you secretly love to blast and belt out when you're alone?

I love all of the childhood favourites like the macarena or the ketchup song (who remebers that corker?).

#5. What's one of your biggest pet peeves?

Gum under the desk, are three steps to the bin really going to kill you?!

#6. What's one of your nervous habits?

Playing with my hair or picking my nails like above (aparently I have a lot of nail problems :/)

#7. What side of the bed do you sleep on?

I still only have a single bed so it's a bit hard to have a side but if I am ever in that situation then normally the right or maybe the left I don't know it doesn't really matter that much to me.

#8. What was your first stuffed animal and it's name?

A monkey beanie baby, I don't know if it was my first but it is the toy that is mine as it were and his name is Monty.

#9. What's the drink you always order at starbucks?

A chocolate frapp with cream and chocolate dust.

#10. What's a beauty rule you preach, but never actually practice?

Moisturising at least once a day but twice if you can although it never happens.

#11. Which way do you face in the shower?

Away from the wall it's weird if you face it, it also makes me feel really claustrophobic.

#12. Do you have any 'weird' body 'skills'?

My thumb is double jointed and can bend twice, I have only ever met one person that can do it.

#13. What's your favourite comfort food thats 'bad' but you love to eat it anyways?

Chocolate, duh?!?!

#14. What's a phrase or exclamation you always say?

I'm sure there is one but I can't think of one off the top of my head, although I have found that I say loads of old people things like darling and sweetie.

#15. Time to sleep, what are you actually wearing?

Pyjamas, some of them are tres sexy but they are comfortable and that's all that matters really.

So I hope you have enjoyed this randomness,
See you sunday,
Maddie x

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But remember to play nice, If I see anyone hating on another person or myself your comment will be removed. How would you feel if it was you?