Where I've been...

Hi everybody,

I think I have some explaining to do...It has been two months since there has been any activity from me on here and I think you should know why.

At the end of March my blog had had the most hits it had ever had but it also meant that my blog was now a year old as although I started it in February I hadn't started properly posting until March/April. So my blog was a year old and yes it was going somewhere but it was no where near the level that I wanted it to be at so I was going to give up. What was the point of carrying on if nobody was reading it and it wasn't going to go anywhere?

However, I kept coming across things that would inspire me to blog and so I decided that I couldn't stop. If this blog wasn't going anywhere should I start over? That was my original plan but I got thinking about the number of hours put into design and posting surely I couldn't just leave that sat in a corner of the internet never to be found.

So here I am making this work, putting more effort into posting and promoting so that when we get to this point next year I can say it worked and that my corner of the internet is bigger than it ever has been so far. I have finally added my social media links to the sidebar something which was meant to be done with the redesign back last year but because they caused me a few problems I never bothered and that is probably why this blog wasn't growing as much as I wanted. The posting schedule will be the same as it was before this huge break, post on Wednesday and then a Song of The Week on a Sunday.  There may also be some other posts on different days when some plans I have come together but I'll let you know about that when we get there.

For now I'm back and I'd love it if you could follow me on Bloglovin' as it will really help me to bring you guys better content in the future,

Maddie x

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But remember to play nice, If I see anyone hating on another person or myself your comment will be removed. How would you feel if it was you?