Nails ramble/Why I love painting my nails....

Holla mis amigas,

As it's been the Easter holidays I've been loving painting my nails and for two reasons really:

1. At school we aren't allowed ANY nail polish AT ALL! Okay, slight exaggeration you can get away with clear or nail bite etc. and actually in the last few months quite a few people have got away with a frenchie so maybe the times are changing. What I'm trying to say though is that, the minute the teachers see the tiniest bit of colour you are dragged to the staff room to get the nail polish remover and it's cleaned off in a flash. There used to be the trick that you could say you couldn't get it off but even that doesn't work any more because the science teacher (my form tutor) has pure acetone in her cupboard :(

2. I just love doing my nails, giving them a bit of colour and a bit of a spruce up in the holidays is always lovely.

Okay so maybe there is three reasons....

3. As you should all know from my other posts my prom is coming up which means I am spending rather a lot of money to get gel nails for that day and I don't want my nails to be nonexistent when I paying that much. So my hope is that if I look after my nails and always have at least a base coat on then they won't snap and break as much and I might actually have something there for the nail lady to paint.

So this was meant to be the lead in to a tutorial but it's turned into a bit of a ramble so I will post the turtorial tomorrow instead.

Maddie x

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