Product Review: MUA eXtreme Curl Mascara
Hello lovelies,
So as I mentioned in my Birmingham Haul I am going to be reviewing some of the products that I bought whilst I was there and the first on my hit list was the MUA eXtreme curl mascara.
If I had to do a three word review it would be: "don't buy it!"

As far as I'm concerned it's rubbish, one of the main problems for me was the smell! Once I opened the pot I could smell the vile cheap smell and then once it was on my eyes I could smell it for a god hour or two. I wasn't expecting it to smell amazing...far from it but I wasn't expecting that! If I can smell it then everyone near me must me able to smell it too, it is honestly vile.
It also made my eyes very itchy and dry whilst I was wearing it, and despite washing it off very vigorously the night before I woke up to a lovely surprise the next day.....BUSH BABY EYES!! YAY!! I must have has an allergic reaction to it or something because when I woke up the skin around my eyes was very dry, sore and really dark; I looked like I hadn't slept for weeks. Despite, putting loads of moisturiser on and taking an antihistamine tablet everyday they took a few days to fade and are still there now. I'm not saying this will happen to everyone as I do have eczema but just be warned that it may happen to you.
The other major moan I have about this is the brush, it looks nothing like a curl mascara brush but like someone at the factory has picked up a normal one, bent the end and shoved it into the bottle. It is so awkward to use because of this, I can't get the right angle or curl both sides of my lashes only the inner corner or the outer corner depending which eye.
Here is a picture of the so called curl wand...

The only good thing about this mascara is that it doesn't seem to clog when you put it on no matter how much you layer it. I will keep this but I'm sure it will just get added to my pile of disappointing products that only ever get used in a dire emergency.
I really don't like this product at all, it really isn't worth the £3 I paid for this but if you really want to try it then it is available in most Superdrug stores around the UK.
Thanks guys,
Maddie x
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