Thoughtful Tuesday: Give yourself time to relax


So I should probably be revising for my spanish speaking assesment that's tomorrow but I guess I'm half following the advice I'm about to give you...

So I went back to school today and with my first exam just 19 days 10 hours 52 minutes and 13 seconds away, it's fair to say I'm a little stressed what with revision and millions of language assesments as well as coursework deadlines but sometimes you just need to take a breather and relax even if it's for five minutes just do it.

My new favourite quote explains what I am trying to say perfectly:

Basically, when there are times when you don't stop because you have so much to do it's time to stop, take a deep breath and get lost in a magazine for 5 minutes, have a nice warm bath or go for a sleep. Just do what ever suits you and will help you get your mind off whatever you are meant to be doing. Getting yourself stressed won't get you anywhere, there is always a solution to the problem, just ask someone for help whether it's your teacher, your boss or your parents something can always be done. 

So, remember take a deep breath, relax and ask someone.

Hope you have liked this slightly different post but I wanted to share my feelings on the topic, especially as I need to start following my own advice.

Maddie x

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