Going Healthy...
Hiya sweeties,
It's that time of year again, the sun has come out and everyone wants to shed a few pounds for the summer. This year I have decided to do something a little different rather than going on a diet and eating less in general I am trying to eat more healthily which I guess is eating less but in a better way. What I mean is that fruit etc is lower in calories than biscuits but that's not the reason I'm eating it.
Before I was eating lots of biscuits and I mean loads my mum would buy them in mega packs and give me about six biscuits of two different kinds each day in my lunch but I am swapping to fruit salads in my lunch. I would always have apples and bananas but I would never eat them, now I do. I have also bought some dried apricots to have as a very snacky thing where I can just eat one or two at a time.
I have also 'swapped' my breakfast cereal for raisin and almond granola. I say swapped in inverted commas because I never actually had breakfast in the first place, but now I'm having it and I feel so much better in the mornings and I don't need to eat loads at 11 o'clock when we have our break at school.
Drinking more water is also a really good thing I have been doing as this will help your skin flush out toxins and you will definitely feel more awake.

Let me know what you have/would like to change to make yourself feel better,
Maddie x
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