Thoughtful Tuesday...

Heya sweeties,

It's time for another Thoughtful Tuesday post:

This week I want to focus on not getting caught up in what has happened so that you forget to enjoy today. 

I found this picture on tumblr whilst searching for resources and ideas and it really moved me, I have no idea why. (It is a wonderful shot anywhoo by Adam Ragan).

Anyways, I'm getting distracted as usual. 

Sometimes we do things or things happen that can affect us in a big or small way, this could be from saying something silly to someone that you feel may judge you or getting a bad mark in a test, these things often are on our minds for days after but the truth is whats done is done there is nothing you can do to change your mark and you cant unsay something (unless you are the Doctor that is) so you need to do you best to move on and try to see the good things that are happening today. There is nothing you can do about yesterday but you can do your best to make today the best it can be, if your head isn't all foggy with the worries of things that can't be changed you can focus on the wonder of today.

I feel it helps to wake up in the morning and think to yourself what happened yesterday is forgotten and empty you mind to focus on the day ahead and make it as good as you can.

I hope this quick little post has helped you to have a little think,
Maddie x

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But remember to play nice, If I see anyone hating on another person or myself your comment will be removed. How would you feel if it was you?