Name Changes....


So for a while I have had a bit of a lack of motivation on writing blog posts and I worked out it was because of the name of this blog. It mad me feel like a 3 year old like it wasn't mature and I just felt it was a bit silly really so, I have decided that I will be changing the name of all of my accounts and then in a few days time the url of this blog.

The new name will be.......Maddie's World.

I think that this allows me to write about whatever I want wether it is beauty or life or craft or anything else. I hope you don't mind but I thought it wa better to change the name now before I get many more reads etc. than forever hating it an not being able to change it.

I hope you all understand and I hope I won't lose anyone along the way.


Maddie x

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But remember to play nice, If I see anyone hating on another person or myself your comment will be removed. How would you feel if it was you?