Blog: Time for a Makeover....


(Clearly I did learn something in French lessons :O )

So some of you may have noticed if you read my post yesterday that things are looking a little different around here but I was bored of the generic boring blogger theme which was nothing special so I decided to change things.

Now I know I just said I didn't like the "generic boring blogger theme" but the theme I have chosen is exactly that but I chose it because it fitted what I wanted all the hard work was done but it still allowed me to change things around quite a lot. In case any of my fellow bloggers were wondering this is the Travel theme. 

I'm really happy with the way things turned out because as many of you know I love vintage and I also have a new found love for pastels especially mint green. I feel that this new theme really shows both of them without being too cluttered and messy because I'm also a minimalist.

This is the background picture because I know it's quite hard to see:
This is courtesy of this person.

Let me know what you think,

Maddie x

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