Review: E45 Intensive Recovery Lotion - The Verdict
So it's been a while but hopefully I'm back for good now *crosses fingers*, I have a few posts to write up for you but first I thought I would tie up any loose ends that I created. That means finishing off this review, what I had planned to do didn't exactly happen so I'm just going to tell you what I thought of it.
This stuff is AMAZING!! It worked really well I was putting it on about twice a day and you could see the difference after about 2 days and by the time I had finished the sample the sore skin on my arm was nearly gone. Here is the before picture which you saw in the original post:
Unfortunately I don't have an after picture to show you as over recent weeks my eczema has got increasingly worse meaning that I have a doctors appointment to get some very strong steroid creams. I can promise you that this really works and if you have dry skin or mild eczema I would really recommend it to you.
Sorry for the quick post but I just wanted to get something up for you and there wasn't much for me to say about this product other than how good it is,
Maddie x
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