Blogging is back! + College Chat
Hey guys,
So I'm well aware that it has been a really long time since my last post but I just needed a few weeks to sort things out with college and whatever else was going on. I'm still immensley tired but I'm getting there as far settling into college and getting some energy back that I lost over the first few days. Apparently a whole day of concentration after being off since the middle of May really takes it out of you...
So as my excuse for not blogging is college I thought I'd answer a few questions about college.
Which subjects are you doing?
Music Technology, Media, Applied ICT and Modern History
Which subject is your favourite?
At the moment I would have to say Music Tech, many of you know that music is one of my favourite things and to be on the other side of it not having the nerves of perfoming is honestly AMAZING!
How do you get there and back?
I walk everyday it is about a mile each way but it only takes me about 20 minutes (if it's raining lots I'll be cheeky and get a lift from a friend or my mum).
What was your first day like?
It was actually okay when I was walking there I was a little nervous but once I got there it was okay, I still got that funny feeling in my stomach when I had a new class but now I'm settled I've made a few new friends as well as all my old ones and in general things are looking up.
Have you got lost yet?
Yes and No....No because I know where all my classes are and I can normally find my way about and I haven't managed to lose my way in terms of finding things for me but I have gone on a couple of detours to find places because I thought it was one way when it was the other. ( I bet your all thinking what a loser haha)
Are you enjoying it?
YES! It's amzing there I have met some lovely people and I love all of my lessons so far and all the teachers are so nice I'm really glad I chose this college. :)
Have you made friends?
I still hang out with most of my old friends during lunches and breaks but I've made quite good friends with quite a few people in lessons. Especially in ICT where I made friends with a lovely girl called Zoe :)
What do you do in free periods?
In my free periods I will either stay with my friends and we'll find somewhere to sit and chat, I'll walk to the nearby Costa and McDonalds or I'll work in the LRC or Library
Is there a big step between AS and GCSE?
To be honest this isn't really something I have noticed too much but I know a lot of people say this and maybe it's just becuase I've only been there two weeks but nothing really seems that hard. Or maybe it's the subjects I'm doing as 2 of them I didn't do at GCSE and the other I got nearly full marks on so it's only really History I can compare.
That's all for now if you have any questions feel free to ask them in the comments,
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(Thanks to my friend Ollie for suggesting some of the questions)
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But remember to play nice, If I see anyone hating on another person or myself your comment will be removed. How would you feel if it was you?