Life: To Be Young Again

Hey guys,

So as you know from my Song of The Week I spent almost the whole of reading week sorting my room out and getting rid of some of the stuff I had gathered over the years...some might be a bit of an understatement though because I filled the wheelie bin up completely and also my mums whole car with rubbish.

While I was sorting aside from all my toys and stuff I found quite a few things from when I was tiny and quite honestly I kind of wish I could go back to before school, work and exams took over. Here are a few of my favourite things I found...

These are one of my first dresses, my first painting ever which was on my wall for years and then I took it down and didn't have a clue where it went and also a little teddy which came with a set of books my dad got me when I was younger which as he is so small I'd also lost. I'm so happy I found these things so that I can put them away with all my other things from when I was little.

Also here is a little picture I found from when I was about 6/7 and my little brother was a tiny baby still...

Hope you enjoyed me sharing my ramblings about being tiny and all the things I found,

Maddie x

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