Song of the Week #5

Hey guys,

I'm so sorry you didn't get a song last week but honestly it hadn't changed from the week before and I kind of saw it as pointless to either write the same post again or to just pick a random song. Sorry about the lack of a mid week post as well but I have been so busy sorting and decluttering my room that I haven't had a chance to even think.

So this week my song of the week is...

...No One Does It Better (Acoustic) // You Me At Six

This is quite an old song not but I still love it and I'm pretty sure it's impossible to hate a You Me At Six song. I love the original and the acoustic but seeing as this week is Reading Week and it's been pretty chilled I have been enjoying the acoustic better.

I hope you guys enjoyed seeing my favourite song of this week,

Maddie x

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