The Christmas Post 2013

Hey guys,

So you may have noticed that I haven't posted in the last week or so basically because I have been so busy with family stuff and finishing college I haven't had the chance. I have two Christmases one at mums one at my dads, Boxing Day at my Nan's, the weekend before Christmas at my Nan's for my grandad's birthday, I need to go on?? This is my blogs first Christmas so I have never had to try and fit all this in but I have come up with the master plan!

Each year I will create "The Christmas Post" which will be posted at around 4 o'clock on Boking Day when everything begins to settle down in homes around the country and it will contain lots of wonderful things. Although the things which will be included every year are my favourite Christmas song from that year, my Christmas Day nails, my favourite Christmas Advert (commercial) and a small part of my Christmas Day.

I hope you guys will enjoy this and if you are a blogger who wants to use this idea then please feel free just credit me please :)

So, let's get started with The Christmas Post 2013!

My favourite Christmas song this year has got to be the Bastille Radio 1 Live Lounge Christmas Mash Up. What can be better than your favourite band, creating an ingenious piece of music which combines loads of Christmas songs into something that doesn't sound seriously retro?? Watch it below.

For my Christmas nails this year I have decided to go for a reindeer theme, I have the nine reindeer and Santa. For the detail I used the Barry M nail art pens which worked really well although they do turn into a bit of a crackle polish if you use them for quite a big block of colour.


My favourite Christmas advert this year has got to be the John Lewis Bear and Hare advert, I love the song, the story, the animation and the fact that it isn't trying to sell you something the whole way through. If you haven't seen it already (have you been living under a rock?!?!) watch it below.

For a part of my Christmas Day I thought I would show you my lovely Christmas dinner, there isn't really much to say about this apart from here you go, enjoy! Although I do have to say it was probably one of the yummiest ones I have ever had!


So I hope you like this new idea and hopefully it will take the pressure off each Christmas, I won't be posting on Sunday as the only music I am listening to is Christmas music but hopefully we should be back to normal by next Wednesday!

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,

Maddie x

(See you in 2014...)

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