Happy New Year!! (2013)

Hey guys,

Happy New Year!! I can’t believe it’s 2014 already this year has flown by so quickly but so much has happened too. From finishing school and starting college to starting this blog, there has been a lot of ups but there has also been a lot of downs but that’s life and we wouldn’t be human if everything was perfect. 

This time last year I made a decision a decision that my life change for the better and this year I am going to make that decision again and that is to forget all the rubbish that has happened in the last year, remember the good times I have had and move on ready for a fresh start to the new year. I also set myself a challenge last year which I didn’t keep but I really should have and that was to write down all of the good things that happen to me no matter how small onto little bits of paper and put them in a jar…but I failed. However, this year I won’t. For me this serves two purposes 1. When I’m having a bad day I can go through them and remind myself that good things do happen and have happened and 2. It will remind me of the good times because when I look back on this year all I can think of is Prom and Results and major things like that, whilst they were lots of fun I have forgotten all the little things that make me smile day to day and that’s a shame. So that’s my challenge for you this year write things down that make you happy, put them in a jar, write a diary or even start a blog but don’t forget everything which has happened to you.

I was originally just going to put this video on this post but then Troye Sivan uploaded this last night to his youtube and I thought it added a bit more of a comic twist onto what happened this year so I decided to add it as well.

I hope you all have a wonderful start to the New Year,

Maddie x

(Don’t forget it’s a fresh start for all of us)

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But remember to play nice, If I see anyone hating on another person or myself your comment will be removed. How would you feel if it was you?