Hey guys,
Weren't the London celebrations just beautiful this year?? |
So for about the last five years I have said that I made a resolution never to make another one and so I have kept to it and it’s the only one I have ever kept to but this year I have realised that I am just using it as an excuse not to make any goals for myself for the fear that I might fail and if there is anything I hate in the world it is not doing something I said I would do, so here are my 2014 goals:
1. Buy a DSLR camera.
This is a big one for me and I should hopefully tick this one off the list at some point in the next week. I have wanted a DSRL ever since my dad got one about 4 years ago but I know it wasn’t the right thing for me at the time seeing as I was only twelve but after working my way up the camera scale I now think it’s time to bite the bullet and spend an awful lot on a camera.
2. Actually use my camera.
Wether it is my new one or the camera that I already have I want to actually use it at least once a week. Whilst taking pictures for this blog might not be the most artistic and creative use for them at least I will be using them and building my skills. There is also a chance of a possible youtube channel appearing in 2014 so watch this space! ;-)
3. Help around the house more.
This year I want to do the things I say I’m going to do to help my mum, she does an awful lot for me and even though I say I’m going to do a these things I hardly ever do them or will do the bare minimum and that needs to stop so here’s to a 2014 of household chores.
4. Be more organised.
At the start of the college year I bought lots of folders to put my work into each week and they are still sat empty on my desk meaning I have notes everywhere, a broken folder and a near emotionally breakdown every time I try to revise because I can’t find a single thing.
5. Revise more and when I say I’m going to.
I’m really not that good at consolidating as in I hardly ever do it which means when it comes to exam time I am completely weighed down by it. However, the other problem I have is that I will eventually plan out some revision time and then never actually do it or only do it half heartedly so in 2014 I WILL REVISE!!
6. Go to the gym three times a week.
My mum pays every month for my family to go to a lovely gym and we were going regularly but we have kind of slipped a bit and I wasn’t going enough in the first place so in 2014 I will go to the gym twice a week and then go for a swim at least once a week.
I’m sure there is a million more things that I should be adding but as it is my first year in a little while that I have set myself some goals for the year I didn’t want it to be too many.
What are your resolutions for this year?
Maddie x
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But remember to play nice, If I see anyone hating on another person or myself your comment will be removed. How would you feel if it was you?