Day 365.

Today marks the last page of a 365 page book, is your book worth reading?

So it's the final day of 2014 and the end of another year. I have mixed emotions on this year and I can't really decide if it's been a good or bad one. There is nothing major on either end of the spectrum so this year has been OK but it's time to make 2015 AMAZING!

Today is a day for reflection and a year ago tomorrow I posted a blog post with my goals for 2014 and now is the time to see if I achieved them or not. Below are my goals for 2014:

1. Buy a DSLR camera.

This was something that I achieved within the first month or so of 2014 as I had wanted to and I am so happy I did. Having a camera that can do everything I want it to do has been amazing. I have been able to use it for so many things this year and I have truly enjoyed every second of it.

2. Actually use my camera.

I haven't used my camera as much as I could have done for fear of breaking it by taking it somewhere but it has had it's fair few outings and has been particularly helpful with my media coursework. However, I didn't manage to film much on my camera this year and it's certainly something that I want to do next year.

3. Help around the house more.

I have certainly been better at helping my mum more this year although there is still so much more I could be doing for her. After all it will be good practice for university where I'll be left to my own devices.

4. Be more organised.

My organisation has certainly stepped up in 2014 I now have a colour coded notes and diary system which means I can easily differentiate different subjects and events from each other. There is still work to do but my organisation is so much better than it was at this time last year.

5. Revise more and when I say I’m going to.

My revision improved this year although I still feel that I'm not doing enough throughout the year before it gets to exam season so that is something that I still need to work on a little more.

6. Go to the gym three times a week.

This is the only resolution that I pretty much failed on! At times I was really good at going but most of the time I barely made it at all.

Even though I didn't complete all of my resolutions I definitely made good progress that I can continue working on in 2015. 

So that's all for this year... I hope you all have a wonderful New Years Eve!

Maddie x

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