Time For Change
My blog has been utterly rejected this year and it doesn't make me happy at all. I was doing really well and then I just gave up.
I could give excuses and try and make up a theory as to why this is but honestly I don't know why this happened it just did.
If you are reading this post on my blog then you will probably have noticed that the design and general look of my blog has changed considerably. I now feel that my blog looks much more professional and is much nicer to look at now. If you have any suggestions of things to change then please let me know.
Next year I am not going to have a set schedule as I will only ignore it or not have the time and then be tempted to give up. Instead I have set myself a goal to upload at least 8 blog posts a month wether that is 8 consecutive days at the start or end of the month or spread out over the month. This way I have a goal but not a schedule something that seems much more reachable.
I hope you don't mind the changes and will enjoy following my journey over the next year.
Maddie x
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Feel free to leave a comment because I'd love to know what you all think and any tips you have :)
But remember to play nice, If I see anyone hating on another person or myself your comment will be removed. How would you feel if it was you?