Doing What Makes You Happy!

Hey guys,

So sorry about the slight blogging break but I have so much work coursework wise and a huge history mock in a few days time so sometimes my blog has to go on the back burner for a while because at the end of the day unfortunately grades are what matter. That does bring me onto the point of this post, I am working my butt off to try and get half decent grades at the end of this year so that I can apply to the unis that I want to and whilst I was looking through pintrest I found this image:

This picture is from here.

It sort of made me think a bit more about what I want to do after college is over, and this is something I had changed and thought about before. For years and years I said that I wanted to study law and become a lawyer but then at around the end of year 10 I realised that the only reason I was really saying that was because someone had once told be it was really well paid and not because I had any interest in it at all so I then changed to wanting to study Music Tech which was actually something I had never done before. Then seeing this picture made me think that actually whilst I thought I would enjoy it, I’m really not I mean it’s fine but it is a lot more complicated than I ever thought and it’s not something I really love so I have now decided to try and get the grades to allow me to study media at a higher level. Let’s see how long this lasts!

It is something I have always said I’m not going to do a job if I don’t enjoy it, what’s the point? Yes, it might be well paid or there might be some really nice people working there but if you dread getting out of bed in the morning it is not worth it and it’s time for a change. You have had over 12 years of dreading getting out of bed each morning for school.

What do you guys think of this statement?

Maddie x

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